Building Memories: An Interactive Art Book Immortalizing Singapore's Architectural Heritage

Preserving the Past, Inspiring the Future

Building Memories is an interactive art book that pays homage to the rich architectural history of Singapore. Designed by Achates 360, this unique project captures the essence of four iconic public buildings and invites individuals to contribute their own memories and stories. Through a combination of intricate design elements and engaging content, Building Memories offers a truly immersive experience that celebrates the past while inspiring the future.

The birth of Building Memories was a collaborative effort between architect Lai Chee Kien, comics illustrator Koh Hong Teng, and a team of talented designers. Their goal was to create a captivating art book that documents the intrinsic histories and personal memories associated with four significant public buildings in Singapore. The result is a visually stunning masterpiece that showcases the unique characteristics of each structure.

What sets Building Memories apart is its attention to detail and the use of innovative design elements. The art book features replicated library cards, stadium invitations, and collections of historical images that transport readers back in time. The highlight, however, is the intricate theatre architectural pop-up that allows people to re-experience their personal memories in a truly immersive way.

The production process of Building Memories was a labor of love. The book's cover is made from grey board, giving it a raw and authentic feel that reflects the genuine messages and stories within. Different printing techniques were employed, including two runs of white print before applying black and Pantone printing. The construction of the 3D pop-up, library borrowing card, and National Stadium invitation card required meticulous handwork. Additionally, two QR codes were incorporated for the technology-savvy reader, enabling them to listen to an old National Anthem recorded in 1959 and access a flipbook featuring a rare program booklet from the 1960 opening of the Singapore Conference Hall.

Building Memories boasts impressive technical specifications. With a size of 175mm x 250mm and a thickness of 19mm, it contains a total of 148 pages. The open spine thread sewn binding allows the front and back covers to be combined, forming a complete piece of illustration. This not only adds strength to the binding but also accommodates multiple inserts, such as the library borrowing card, 3D pop-up, and invitation card.

The interactive nature of Building Memories makes it a truly unique experience. Readers can engage with the art book through the 3D pop-up, replicas of historical printed materials, and QR codes that direct them to flipbooks. This multi-sensory approach ensures that every page offers something new and exciting.

Building Memories was a project that spanned from 2014 to May 2016 and was proudly made in Singapore. Extensive research was conducted by architect and historian Lai Chee Kien, supported by the team, through interviews and image research from the Singapore National Archives and private collections. The challenge of releasing Building Memories amidst a sea of other publications celebrating Singapore's 50th National Day was overcome through meticulous research, interviews, and captivating illustrations.

Building Memories has received well-deserved recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Print and Published Media Design category in 2017. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to quality of life improvements and making the world a better place.

Building Memories is not just an art book; it is a testament to the power of architecture in shaping a nation's identity. By preserving the memories associated with these iconic buildings, it inspires future generations to appreciate and cherish their architectural heritage. Through its innovative design and engaging content, Building Memories invites readers to embark on a journey through time and relive the stories that have shaped Singapore into the vibrant city it is today.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Achates 360
Image Credits: National Archives of Singapore, Singapore Press Holding, Achates 360 Pte Ltd, Koh Hong Teng, Roger Lee
Project Team Members: Author: Lai Chee Kien Comics Illustrator: Koh Hong Teng Creative Director: Chuan Yeo Art Director: Joseph Chan Designer: Henny Tjemerlang, Norsyafiqah Sabarrudin Infographics: Jin Xiang Yang
Project Name: Building Memories
Project Client: Achates 360

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